- Download
and install the Java Virtual Machine software, if not already
done (JRE is sufficient).
- Download the rc5pstats
software archive
- Unzip rc5pstats.zip to a directory of your
choice. (e.g. /opt or D:\Programme)
Note: the archive
is always prefixed with the path rc5pstats
- Copy or Move the htdocs directory in the expanded
rc5pstats directory anywhere below the document root directory
of your webserver. (e.g.
mv /opt/rc5pstats/htdocs /opt/www/htdocs/rc5/stats).
- Use any text editor of your choice, to create the
configuration file to be used by rc5pstats.
Note: Actually
rc5pstats does not require any configuration file, since you
can supply all parameters on the
command line or just use its
defaults, hower defaults may not be appropriate for your
environment. Options you should probably overwrite are:
- html.dir e.g. with /opt/www/htdocs/rc5/stats
- log.files e.g. /var/log/rc5/pproxy020202.log,
- team.id e.g. 1234567
- Copy the config file to a location of your choice (e.g.
/etc/opt/rc5pstats.cf). If rc5pstats is started without the option
-Dconfig.file, it tries to find it in
the config directory of your home directory as
rc5pstats.cf (e.g. /home/user_foo/config/rc5pstats.cf
or C:\Dokumente und
- To create a new stylesheet from a ppstats-rc5.ini file,
one can use
/opt/rc5pstats/bin/rc5pstats ppstats-rc5.ini >mystyle.css After that, you should copy the file
to the styles directory in html.dir and set the
html.style option to styles/mystyle.css
- Start rc5pstats. There are several possibilities of doing
this, e.g.:
- Unix:
- Unix:
/opt/rc5pstats/bin/rc5pstats -Dconfig.file=/etc/opt/rc5pstats.cf
- Unix:
java -cp /opt/rc5pstats/lib/jcommon.jar:/opt/rc5pstats/lib/jfreechart.jar:/opt/rc5pstats/lib/log4j.jar:/opt/rc5pstats/lib/rc5pstats.jar -Dconfig.file=/etc/myrc5.cf org.linofee.rc5.pstats.Start
- Windows:
- Windows:
cd D:\Programme\rc5pstats\bin;
java -cp ..\lib\jcommon.jar;..\lib\jfreechart.jar;..\lib\log4j.jar;..\lib\rc5pstats.jar -Dconfig.file=D:\temp\rc5.cf org.linofee.rc5.pstats.Start
- Finally check the results by opening the index.html
in the html.dir directory
(e.g. /opt/www/htdocs/rc5/stats) or your web server
(e.g. http://localhost/rc5/stats/index.html).